Installing the edge cluster agent
This content provides instructions on installing the cluster agent on common Kuberentes distributions. It applies to both single worker node clusters as well as multi-node clusters.
- Architecture must be either x86_64 (amd64) or arm64
- Operating system must be modern Linux variant with 64-bit and systemd support
Note: Open Horizon cluster agent installation requires cluster admin access on the edge cluster. Additionally, the βjqβ command-line JSON processor must be installed prior to running the agent install script.
Install the Open Horizon Cluster Agent on one of these types of Kubernetes edge clusters:
Installing agent on OCP Kubernetes edge cluster
This content describes how to install the Open Horizon agent on your OCP edge cluster. Follow these steps on a host that has admin access to your edge cluster:
Log in to your edge cluster as admin:
oc login https://<api_endpoint_host>:<port> -u <admin_user> -p <admin_password> --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
If you have not completed the steps in Creating your API key, do that now. This process creates an API key, locates some files, and gathers environment variable values that are needed when you set up edge nodes. Set the same environment variables for this edge cluster. Set the
of the edge cluster.export HZN_ORG_ID=<your-exchange-organization> export HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH=<authentication string> export HZN_EXCHANGE_URL= # example export HZN_FSS_CSSURL= # example export HZN_AGBOT_URL= # example export HZN_FDO_SVC_URL= # example export HZN_NODE_ID=<edge-cluster-node-name>
Set the agent namespace variable to its default value (or whatever namespace you want to explicitly install the agent into):
export AGENT_NAMESPACE=openhorizon-agent
Set the storage class that you want the agent to use - either a built-in storage class or one that you created. You can view the available storage classes with the first of the following two commands, then substitute the name of the one you want to use into the second command. One storage class should be labeled
:oc get storageclass export EDGE_CLUSTER_STORAGE_CLASS=<rook-ceph-cephfs-internal>
Determine whether a default route for the OpenShift image registry has been created so that it is accessible from outside of the cluster:
oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='\{\{ \}\}'
If the command response indicates the default-route is not found, you need to expose it (see Exposing the registry for details):
oc patch --patch '{"spec":{"defaultRoute":true}}' --type=merge
Retrieve the repository route name that you need to use:
export OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY=`oc get route default-route -n openshift-image-registry --template='\{\{ \}\}'`
Create a new project to store your images:
Create a service account with a name of your choosing:
export OCP_USER=<service-account-name> oc create serviceaccount $OCP_USER
Add a role to your service account for the current project:
oc policy add-role-to-user edit system:serviceaccount:$OCP_PROJECT:$OCP_USER
Set your service account token to the following environment variable:
export OCP_TOKEN=`oc serviceaccounts get-token $OCP_USER`
Get the OpenShift certificate and configure Docker to trust it:
echo | openssl s_client -connect $OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY:443 -showcerts | sed -n "/-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----/,/-----END CERTIFICATE-----/p" > ca.crt
On Linux:
mkdir -p /etc/docker/certs.d/$OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY cp ca.crt /etc/docker/certs.d/$OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY systemctl restart docker.service
On macOS:
mkdir -p ~/.docker/certs.d/$OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY cp ca.crt ~/.docker/certs.d/$OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY
On macOS, use the Docker Desktop icon on the right side of the desktop menu bar to restart Docker by clicking Restart in the dropdown menu.
Log in to the OCP Docker host:
echo "$OCP_TOKEN" | docker login -u $OCP_USER --password-stdin $OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY
Configure additional trust stores for image registry access:
oc create configmap registry-config --from-file=$OCP_IMAGE_REGISTRY=ca.crt -n openshift-config
Edit the new
:oc edit cluster
Update the
section:spec: additionalTrustedCA: name: registry-config
The script stores the Open Horizon agent in the edge cluster container registry. Set the registry user, password, and full image path (minus the tag):
Note: The Open Horizon agent image is stored in the local edge cluster registry because the edge cluster Kubernetes needs ongoing access to it, in case it needs to restart it or move it to another pod.
Download the script from the Cloud Sync Service (CSS) and make it executable:
curl -u "$HZN_ORG_ID/$HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH" -k -o $HZN_FSS_CSSURL/api/v1/objects/IBM/agent_files/ chmod +x
Run to get the necessary files from CSS, install and configure the Horizon agent, and register your edge cluster with policy:
./ -D cluster -i 'css:'
- To see all of the available flags, run: ./ -h
- If an error causes to fail, correct the error and run again. If that does not work, run (see Removing agent from edge cluster) before running again.
Change to the agent namespace (also known as project) and verify that the agent pod is running:
oc project $AGENT_NAMESPACE oc get pods
Now that the agent is installed on your edge cluster, you can run these commands if you want to familiarize yourself with the Kubernetes resources associated with the agent:
oc get namespace $AGENT_NAMESPACE oc project $AGENT_NAMESPACE # ensure this is the current namespace/project oc get deployment -o wide oc get deployment agent -o yaml # get details of the deployment oc get configmap openhorizon-agent-config -o yaml oc get secret openhorizon-agent-secrets -o yaml oc get pvc openhorizon-agent-pvc -o yaml # persistent volume
Often, when an edge cluster is registered for policy, but does not have user-specified node policy, none of the deployment policies will deploy edge services to it. That is the case with the Horizon examples. Proceed to Deploying services to your edge cluster to set node policy so that an edge service will be deployed to this edge cluster.
Installing agent on K3s and microk8s edge clusters
This content describes how to install the Open Horizon agent on K3s or microk8s , lightweight and small Kubernetes clusters:
Log in to your edge cluster as root.
If you have not completed the steps in Creating your API key, do that now. This process creates an API key, locates some files, and gathers environment variable values that are needed when setting up edge nodes. Set the same environment variables on this edge cluster:
export HZN_ORG_ID=<your-exchange-organization> export HZN_EXCHANGE_USER_AUTH=<authentication string> export HZN_EXCHANGE_URL= # example export HZN_FSS_CSSURL= # example export HZN_AGBOT_URL= # example export HZN_FDO_SVC_URL= # example
Copy the script to your new edge cluster.
The script will store the Open Horizon agent in the edge cluster image registry. Set the full image path (minus the tag) that should be used. For example:
On k3s:
REGISTRY_ENDPOINT=$(kubectl get service docker-registry-service | grep docker-registry-service | awk '{print $3;}'):5000 export IMAGE_ON_EDGE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY=$REGISTRY_ENDPOINT/openhorizon-agent/amd64_anax_k8s
On microk8s:
export IMAGE_ON_EDGE_CLUSTER_REGISTRY=localhost:32000/openhorizon-agent/amd64_anax_k8s
Note: The Open Horizon agent image is stored in the local edge cluster registry because the edge cluster Kubernetes needs ongoing access to it, in case it needs to restart it or move it to another pod.
Instruct to use the default storage class:
On k3s:
On microk8s:
export EDGE_CLUSTER_STORAGE_CLASS=microk8s-hostpath
Run to get the necessary files from CSS (Cloud Sync Service), install and configure the Horizon agent, and register your edge cluster with policy:
./ -D cluster -i 'css:'
- To see all of the available flags, run: ./ -h
- If an error occurs causing to not complete successfully, correct the error that is displayed, and run again. If that does not work, run (see Removing agent from edge cluster) before running again.
Verify that the agent pod is running:
kubectl get namespaces kubectl -n openhorizon-agent get pods
Usually, when an edge cluster is registered for policy, but does not have any user-specified node policy, none of the deployment policies deploy edge services to it. This is expected. Proceed to Deploying services to your edge cluster to set node policy so that an edge service will be deployed to this edge cluster.