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Horizon Attributes

This section contains the definition for each attribute that can be set on the POST /attribute API or the POST /service/config API. Attributes are used to condition the behavior of the Horizon agent and services running on the agent.

The body of the attribute section always follows this format:

    "type": "<attribute_type>",
    "label": "a string that could be displayed in a user interface",
    "publishable": boolean,
    "host_only": boolean,
    "mappings": {
      "variable": value

The type field is a string that indicates which attribute you want to set. Valid values are:

Each attribute type is described below.

attribute description
label a string that is displayed in the Horizon user interface when working with this attribute.
publishable a Boolean that indicates whether or not the variables in the mapping section are published for the workload to see.
host_only a Boolean that indicates whether or not this attribute should be applied to the Horizon agent runtime, not to a specific service.
mappings is a map of variables and values that are specific to the type of the attribute.

If an attribute type has any specific variables to be set, they are described in the type’s section below.


This attribute sets user input variables from a service definition. Every service can define variables that the node user can configure. Only service variables that do not have default values in the service definition must be set through the UserInputAttributes attribute. The variables are typed, which can also be found in the service definition. The supported types are: string, int, float, boolean, list of strings. These variables are converted to environment variables (and the value is converted to a string) so they can be passed into the service implementation container.

The value for publishable should be true.

The value for host_only should be false.

The service_specs specifies what services the attribute applies to. If the url is an empty string, it applies to all the services. If you set the UserInputAttributes through the /service/config api, you do not need to specify the service_specs because the service is specified in other fields. However, if you use /attribute api to set the UserInputAttributes, you must specify the service_specs.

The variables you can set are defined by the service definition. Consider the service definition example containing the following userInputs section:

        "label":"a label description",
        "label":"a label description",

The test variable has no default; it must be set through a UserInputAttributes attribute. The testDefault variable has a default, it can be optionally set by the same attribute.

For example:

    "type": "UserInputAttributes",
    "label": "variables",
    "publishable": true,
    "host_only": false,
    "service_specs": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "myorg"
    "mappings": {
        "test": "aValue"


This attribute sets a host-wide basic auth user and password for HTTPS communication. The url variable sets the HTTP network domain and path to which this attribute applies. HTTPS communication to other URLs will not use this basic auth configuration.

The value for publishable should be false.

The value for host_only should be true.

The username variable is a string containing the basic auth user name.

The password variable is a string containing the basic auth user’s password.

For example:

    "type": "HTTPSBasicAuthAttributes",
    "label": "HTTPS Basic auth",
    "publishable": false,
    "host_only": true,
    "mappings": {
        "url":      ""
        "username": "me",
        "password": "myPassword"


This attribute sets a container registry authentication user name and password or token that enables the Horizon agent to access a container registry when downloading images for services and workloads.

The value for publishable should be false.

The value for host_only should be true.

The value for token can be a token, an API key or a password.

For example:

/* Use this if your docker images are in the IBM Cloud container registry, you can use either token or Identity and Access Management (IAM) API key. */
    "type": "DockerRegistryAuthAttributes",
    "label": "Docker auth",
    "publishable": false,
    "host_only": true,
    "mappings": {
        "auths": [
                "registry": "mydockerrepo",
                "username": "user1",
                "token": "myDockerhubPassword"

/* Use this if your docker images are in the IBM Cloud container registry. The `myDockerToken` variable is a string containing the docker token used to access the repository. */
    "type": "DockerRegistryAuthAttributes",
    "label": "Docker auth",
    "publishable": false,
    "host_only": true,
    "mappings": {
        "auths": [
                "registry": "",
                "username": "token",
                "token": "myDockerToken"

/* Use this if your docker images are in the IBM Cloud container registry. The `myIAMApiKey` variable is a string containing the IBM Cloud Identity and Access Management (IAM) API key. The user is `iamapikey`. */
    "type": "DockerRegistryAuthAttributes",
    "label": "Docker auth",
    "publishable": false,
    "host_only": true,
    "mappings": {
        "auths": [
                "registry": "",
                "username": "iamapikey",
                "token": "myIAMApiKey"}


This attribute configures how the service wants to be metered as part of an agreement.

The value for publishable should be true.

The value for host_only should be false.

The variables that can be configured are:

  • tokens - The number of tokens to be granted per unit time as specified below.
  • perTimeUnit - The unit of time over which the tokens are granted. Valid values are: min, hour, day.
  • notificationInterval - An integer indication how often, in seconds, the agbot should notify the node that tokens are being granted.
  • service_specs - An array specifies what services the attribute applies to. If the url is an empty string, it applies to all the services. If you set the MeteringAttributes through the /service/config api, you do not need to specify the service_specs because the service is specified in other fields. However, if you use /attribute api to set the MeteringAttributes, you must specify the service_specs.

If the agbot also specifies a metering policy, the metering attributes specified by the node must be satisfied by the agbot’s policy. If a nodes wants more token per unit time than the agbot is willing to provide, then an agreement cannot be made. If an agbot is able to satisfy the node, then the tokens per unit time specified by the node will be used.

For example, the service wants the agbot to grant two tokens per hour, and notify the mode that the agreement is still valid every hour (3600 seconds).

    "type": "MeteringAttributes",
    "label": "Metering Policy",
    "publishable": true,
    "host_only": false,
    "service_specs": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "myorg"
    "mappings": {
        "tokens": 2,
        "perTimeUnit": "hour",
        "notificationInterval": 3600


This attribute is used when a service has a specific requirement for an agreement protocol. An agreement protocol is a pre-defined mechanism for enabling two entities (a node and an agbot) to agree on which services and workloads to run. The Horizon system supports one protocol; “Basic”. By default, the Horizon system uses the “Basic” protocol, which requires a TCP network only; therefore, use this attribute in advanced situations where more than one protocol is available.

Agreement protocols are chosen by the agbot based on the order they appear in the node’s service’s attributes.

The service_specs specifies what services the attribute applies to. If the url is an empty string, it applies to all the services. If you set the AgreementProtocolAttributes through the /service/config api, you do not need to specify the service_specs because the service is specified in other fields. However, if you use /attribute api to set the AgreementProtocolAttributes, you must specify the service_specs.

    "type": "AgreementProtocolAttributes",
    "label": "Agreement Protocols",
    "publishable": true,
    "host_only": false,
    "service_specs": [
            "url": "",
            "organization": "myorg"
    "mappings": {
        "protocols": [
                "Basic": []