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Horizon Agreement Bot APIs

This document contains the Horizon JSON APIs for the Horizon system running an Agreement Bot. The output of the APIs is in JSON compact format. To get a better view, you can use JSONView extension in your web browser or use jq command from the command line interface. For example:

curl -s http://<ip>/agreement | jq '.'

1. Horizon Agreement Bot Remote APIs

The following APIs can be run from a remote node. They are secure APIs, which means you need to run with HTTPS and with a CA certificate file that is provided by the Agreement Bot. You also need to provide your user name and password (or API key) from the Exchange for verification and authentication. For example:

curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/deploycompatible

1.1 Deployment Compatibility Check

API: GET /deploycheck/deploycompatible

This API does compatibility check for the given business policy (or a pattern), service definition, node policy and node user input. It does both policy compatibility check and user input compatibility check. If the result is compatible, it means that, when deployed, the node will form an agreement with the agbot and the service will be running on the node.


query parameters:

name type description
checkAll boolean return the compatibility check result for all the service versions referenced in the business policy or pattern.
long boolean show the input which was used to come up with the result.


name type description
node_id string the exchange id of the node. Mutually exclusive with node_policy and node_user_input.
node_arch string (optional) the architecture of the node.
node_policy json the node policy that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with node_id. Please refer to node policy sample for the format.
node_user_input json the user input that will be put in the exchange for the services. Mutually exclusive with node_id. Please refer to node user input sample for the format.
business_policy_id string the exchange id of the business policy. Mutually exclusive with business_policy. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id and pattern.
business_policy json the defintion of the business policy that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id and pattern. Please refer to business policy sample for the format.
pattern_id string the exchange id of the pattern. Mutually exclusive with pattern. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id and business_policy.
pattern json the pattern that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id and business_policy. Please refer to pattern sample for the format.
service_policy json (optional) the service policy that will be put in the exchange for the top level service referenced in the business policy. If omitted, the service policy will be retrieved from the exchange. The service policy has the same format as the node policy. Please refer to node policy sample for the format.
service json array (optional) an array of the top level services that will be put in the exchange. They are referenced in the business policy or pattern. If omitted, the services will be retrieved from the exchange. Please refer to service sample for the format.



  • 200 – success


name type description
compatible bool the deployment resources are compatible or not.
reason map the key is the exchange id for a service and the value is the reason why this service is not compatible. It lists reasons for all the service versions referenced in the business policy (or pattern) if checkAll=1 is set in the url.
input json the input which is used to come up with the compatibility check result. It has the same structure as the paramter body above but with details filled by the code. For example, if a business policy id is given, the business policy will be retrieved from the exchange and set in the input field. The input is only shown when the API is called with long=1 in the url.


read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_id":  "userdev/an12345,
  "business_policy_id": "userdev/bp_location"

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/deploycompatible | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/deploycompatible?checkAll=1 | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",
    "": "Policy Incompatible: Compatibility Error: Properties do not satisfy node constraint."

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/deploycompatible?long=1 | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible"
  "input": {
    "node_id": "userdev/an12345",
    "node_arch": "amd64",
    "node_policy": {
      "properties": [...],
      "constraints": [...]
    "node_user_input": [
        "serviceOrgid": "",
        "serviceUrl": "",
        "serviceArch": "amd64",
        "serviceVersionRange": "2.0.3",
        "inputs": [...]
    "business_policy": {
      "owner": "userdev/userdevadmin",
      "label": "business policy for location",
    "service": [
        "org": "",
        "owner": "",
        "url": "",
# three different ways of getting definitions of the resource:
node_ui=`cat /user/me/input_files/compcheck/node_ui.json`
read -d '' node_pol <<EOF
  "properties": [
      "name": "purpose",
      "value": "network-testing"
      "name": "group",
      "value": "bluenode"
  "constraints": [
    "iame2edev == true",
    "NOLOC == false ",
    "openhorizon.service.version != 2.0.6"

read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_policy":      $node_pol,
  "node_user_input":  $node_ui,
  "business_policy":  $bp_location

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/deploycompatible | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",

API: GET /deploycheck/policycompatible

This API does the policy compatibility check for the given business policy, node policy and service policy. The business policy and the service policy will be merged to check against the node policy. If the result is compatible, it means that, when deployed, the node will form an agreement with the agbot and the service will be running on the node.


query parameters:

name type description
checkAll boolean return the compatibility check result for all the service versions referenced in the business policy.
long boolean show the input which was used to come up with the result.


name type description
node_id string the exchange id of the node. Mutually exclusive with node_policy.
node_arch string (optional) the architecture of the node.
node_policy json the node policy that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with node_id. Please refer to node policy sample for the format.
business_policy_id string the exchange id of the business policy. Mutually exclusive with business_policy.
business_policy json the defintion of the business policy that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id. Please refer to business policy sample for the format.
service_policy json (optional) the service policy that will be put in the exchange. They are for the top level service referenced in the business policy. If omitted, the service policy will be retrieved from the exchange. The service policy has the same format as the node policy. Please refer to node policy sample for the format.



  • 200 – success


name type description
compatible bool the policies are compatible or not.
reason map the key is the exchange id for a service and the value is the reason why this service is not compatible. It lists reasons for all the service versions referenced in the business policy (or pattern) if checkAll=1 is set in the url.
input json the input which is used to come up with the compatibility check result. It has the same structure as the paramter body above but with details filled by the code. For example, if a business policy id is given, the business policy will be retrieved from the exchange and set in the input field. The input is only shown when the API is called with long=1 in the url.


read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_id":  "userdev/an12345,
  "business_policy_id": "userdev/bp_location"

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/policycompatible?checkAll=1 | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",
    "": "Policy Incompatible: Compatibility Error: Properties do not satisfy node constraint."

read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_policy":      $node_pol,
  "business_policy":  $bp_location,
  "service_policy":   $service_pol

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/policycompatible | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",

API: GET /deploycheck/userinputcompatible

This API does the user input compatibility check for the given business policy (or a pattern), service definition and node user input. The user input values in the business policy and the node will be merged to check against the service user input requirement defined in the service definition. If the result is compatible, it means that, when deployed, the node will form an agreement with the agbot and the service will be running on the node.


query parameters:

name type description
checkAll boolean return the compatibility check result for all the service versions referenced in the business policy or pattern.
long boolean show the input which was used to come up with the result.


name type description
node_id string the exchange id of the node. Mutually exclusive with node_user_input.
node_arch string (optional) the architecture of the node.
node_user_input json the user input that will be put in the exchange for the services. Mutually exclusive with node_id. Please refer to node user input sample for the format.
business_policy_id string the exchange id of the business policy. Mutually exclusive with business_policy. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id and pattern.
business_policy json the defintion of the business policy that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id and pattern. Please refer to business policy sample for the format.
pattern_id string the exchange id of the pattern. Mutually exclusive with pattern. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id and business_policy.
pattern json the pattern that will be put in the exchange. Mutually exclusive with pattern_id. Mutually exclusive with business_policy_id and business_policy. Please refer to pattern sample for the format.
service json array (optional) an array of the top level services that will be put in the exchange. They are referenced in the business policy or pattern. If omitted, the services will be retrieved from the exchange. Please refer to service sample for the format.



  • 200 – success


name type description
compatible bool the user inputs are compatible or not.
reason map the key is the exchange id for a service and the value is the reason why this service is not compatible. It lists reasons for all the service versions referenced in the business policy (or pattern) if checkAll=1 is set in the url.
input json the input which is used to come up with the compatibility check result. It has the same structure as the paramter body above but with details filled by the code. For example, if a business policy id is given, the business policy will be retrieved from the exchange and set in the input field. The input is only shown when the API is called with long=1 in the url.


read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_id":  "userdev/an12345,
  "pattern_id": "userdev/pat_location"

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/userinputcompatible?checkAll=1 | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",
    "": "UserInput Incompatible: Failed to verify user input for dependent service Failed to validate the user input type for variable HZN_LAT. type string, expecting float."
bp_location=`cat /user/me/input_files/compcheck/business_pol_location.json`
node_ui=`cat /user/me/input_files/compcheck/node_ui.json`

read -d '' comp_input <<EOF
  "node_user_input":  $node_ui,
  "business_policy":  $bp_location

echo "$comp_input" | curl -sLX GET -w %{http_code} --cacert <cert_file_name> -u myord/myusername:mypassword --data @- https://123.456.78.9:8083/deploycheck/userinputcompatible | jq '.'
  "compatible": true,
  "reason": {
    "": "Compatible",

2. Horizon Agreement Bot Local APIs

The following APIs should be run on same node where agbot is running.

2.1 Agreement

API: GET /agreement

Get all the active and archived agreements made on this agbot. The agreements that are being terminated but not yet archived are treated as archived in this API. Please note that the archived agreements get purged after a period of time which is defined by PurgeArchivedAgreementHours in the agbot configuration file. The purged agreements will not be shown by this API.





  • 200 – success


name type description
agreements json contains active and archived agreements
active array an array of current agreements.
archived array an array of terminated agreements.

See the GET /agreement/{id} API for documentation of the fields in an agreement.


curl -s http://localhost/agreement | jq '.'
  "agreements": {
    "active": [
        "current_agreement_id": "79897cbcfd478b3dff8ec1fca48635b2b88456e1c6813e46b8b82c77ebc6247b",
        "device_id": "an12345",
        "archived": false,
        "terminated_reason": 0,
        "terminated_description": ""
        "current_agreement_id": "f1eec810bd82ebe20ca2b07631f9343f784c1fefb226b5e6d6ae28045356c115",
        "device_id": "an12345",
        "archived": false,
        "terminated_reason": 0,
        "terminated_description": ""
    "archived": []

API: GET /agreement/{id}

Get detailed information for an agreement.


name type description
id string the id of the agreement to be retrieved.



  • 200 – success
  • 404 – the agreement does not exist.


name type description
current_agreement_id json the agreement id for this agreement
device_id json the exchange id of the device in this agreement
agreement_protocol json the name of the agreement protocol used to make the agreement
agreement_inception_time json the time in seconds when the agbot started the agreement protocol
agreement_creation_time json the time in seconds when the agbot sent an agreement proposal to the device
agreement_finalized_time json the time in seconds when the agreement became safely visible on the blockchain
agreement_timeout json the time in seconds when the agreement was terminated by the agreement bot
proposal_signature json the stringified digital signature (using the device’s private ethereum key) of the hash of the proposal for this agreement
proposal json the merged policy document that represents the proposal
proposal_hash json the hash of the proposal for this agreement
consumer_proposal_sig json the stringified digital signature (using the agbot’s private ethereum key) of the hash of the proposal for this agreement
policy json the agbot policy that was used to create the proposal
policy_name json the name of the policy used to create the proposal
counter_party_address json the ethereum address of the device
disable_data_verification_checks json true if data verification (and metering) is turned off, otherwise false
data_verification_time json the time in seconds when the agbot last detected data being sent by the device
data_notification_sent json the time in seconds when the agbot last sent a data verification message to the device
metering_notification_sent json the time in seconds when the agbot last sent a metering notification message
metering_notification_msgs json the last two metering notification messages sent to the device, ordered newest to oldest
archived json false when the agreement is active, true when it is being terminated or has already terminated
terminated_reason json the termination reason code
terminated_description json the textual description of the terminated_reason code


curl -s http://localhost/agreement/93bcddde28f43cf59761e948ebff45f0ad9e060e3081dcd76e9cc94235d73a90 | jq -r '.'
  "current_agreement_id": "93bcddde28f43cf59761e948ebff45f0ad9e060e3081dcd76e9cc94235d73a90",
  "device_id": "an12345",
  "agreement_protocol": "Citizen Scientist",
  "agreement_inception_time": 1494855357,
  "agreement_creation_time": 1494855357,
  "agreement_finalized_time": 1494855394,
  "agreement_timeout": 0,
  "proposal_signature": "...",
  "proposal": "...",
  "proposal_hash": "95c880e862f04a04cfe05bdd414218f3c1e379a805aa11bb52c26f3448faf881",
  "consumer_proposal_sig": "...",
  "policy": "...",
  "policy_name": "Sample policy",
  "counter_party_address": "0x7dbec5ed2ec187a56e6cae4e02a8531e9b1a77b3",
  "disable_data_verification_checks": false,
  "data_verification_time": 1494855503,
  "data_notification_sent": 1494855434,
  "metering_notification_sent": 1494855492,
  "metering_notification_msgs": [
  "archived": false,
  "terminated_reason": 0,
  "terminated_description": ""

API: DELETE /agreement/{id}

Delete an agreement. The agbot will start new agreement negotiation with the device after the agreement deletion.


name type description
id string the id of the agreement to be deleted.



  • 200 – success
  • 404 – the agreement does not exist.

body: none


curl -X DELETE -s http://localhost/agreement/a70042dd17d2c18fa0c9f354bf1b560061d024895cadd2162a0768687ed55533

2.2 Policy

API: GET /policy

Get all the names of policies that this agbot hosts.





  • 200 – success


name type description
{org} json the key is the organization name. The value is a list of the policy names for the organization that are hosted by this agbot.


curl -s http://localhost:8046/policy | jq
  "public": [
  "test": [
    "location amd64",
    "location x86_64"

API: GET /policy/{org}

Get all name of the policies this agbot hosts for a organization.


name type description
org string the name of the organization.



  • 200 – success


name type description
{org} json the key is the organization name. The value is a list of the policy names for the organization that are hosted by this agbot.


curl -s http://localhost:8046/policy/test | jq
  "test": [
    "location amd64",
    "location x86_64"

API: GET /policy/{org}/{name}

Get a specific policy.


name type description
org string the name of the organization.
name string the name of the policy.



  • 200 – success


name type description
header json the header of the policy. It includes the name and the version of the policy.
patternId string the name of the pattern this policy is created for.
workloads json the workload name, version, priority and its deployment information.
agreementProtocols array an array of agreement protocols. Each one includes the name of the agreement protocol.
properties array an array of name value pairs that the current party have.
dataVerification json contains information on how data gets verified.
nodeHealth json contains information on how to determine the health of the node.


curl -s http://localhost:8046/policy/public/ | jq
  "header": {
    "name": "",
    "version": "2.0"
  "patternId": "public/netspeed-docker",
  "agreementProtocols": [
      "name": "Basic",
      "protocolVersion": 1
  "workloads": [
      "priority": {
        "priority_value": 50,
        "retries": 1,
        "retry_durations": 3600,
        "verified_durations": 52
      "workloadUrl": "",
      "organization": "IBM",
      "version": "2.0.6",
      "arch": "arm",
      "deployment_overrides": "{\"services\":{\"location\":{\"environment\":[\"USE_NEW_STAGING_URL=false\"]}}}",
      "deployment_overrides_signature": "CmOTNqB..."
  "valueExchange": {},
  "dataVerification": {
    "enabled": true,
    "interval": 480,
    "check_rate": 15,
    "metering": {
      "tokens": 1,
      "per_time_unit": "min",
      "notification_interval": 30
  "proposalRejection": {},
  "nodeHealth": {
    "missing_heartbeat_interval": 90,
    "check_agreement_status": 60

API: POST /policy/{policy name}/upgrade

Force a device to attempt a workload upgrade for the given device and given policy.


name type description
policy name string the name of the policy or file name of the policy containing the workload to upgrade.


name type description
agreementId string the agreement id of an agreement between the given policy and the device to be upgraded.
org string the organization in which the policy exists that you want to upgrade.
device string the device id of the device to be upgraded.

Note: At least one of agreementId or device MUST be specified. Organization is always required.



  • 200 – success




curl -s -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"device":"12345678"}' http://localhost/policy/netspeed%20policy/upgrade

2.3 Workload Usage

API: GET /workloadusage

Get current workload usage information for the agreements whose agbot policies have more than one workload priorities.





  • 200 – success


name type description
id number primary key of the usage record in the local database
device_id string the device id running a workload for the agbot
pending_upgrade_time timestamp the time (in seconds) when this workload was marked to be upgraded as a result of a policy change
policy json the full consumer (agbot) policy being used to manage a workload on the device
policy_name string the name of the consumer (agbot) policy with a workload on the device
priority number the workload priority currently being used by the device
retry_count number the current number of retries used to get the workload running
retry_durations number the number of seconds within which workload failures must occur in order for the workload rollback feature to cause a workload to rollback to a lower priority workload
first_try_time timestamp the time (number of seconds) when the workload was first attempted
latest_retry_time timestamp the time (number of seconds) when the workload was most recently attempted before declaring the workload to be stable
disable_retry boolean if true, workload retries have been turned off because a stable workload priority was found
verified_durations number the number of seconds of successful data verification before disabling workload rollback retries
current_agreement_id string the agreement id which forms the agreement between the consumer (agbot) and the device


curl -s http://localhost/workloadusage | jq '.'
    "record_id": 1,
    "device_id": "an12345",
    "pending_upgrade_time": 0,
    "policy": "...",
    "policy_name": "netspeed policy",
    "priority": 2,
    "retry_count": 0,
    "retry_durations": 1800,
    "current_agreement_id": "9a0a76bbbb06a6d35e66992b0e6dade8f1ecab992f9c93dbcc7f076a20583790",
    "first_try_time": 1495649010,
    "latest_retry_time": 0,
    "disable_retry": true,
    "verified_durations": 45

2.4 Status

API: GET /status

Get the connectivity, configuration, and blockchain status on the agbot. The output includes the status of all blockchain containers, agent configuration and the agbot host’s connectivity.





  • 200 – success


name type description
configuration json the configuration data.
configuration.exchange_api string the url for the exchange being used by the Horizon agent.
configuration.exchange_version string the current version of the exchange being used.
configuration.preferred_exchange_version string the preferred version for the exchange in order to use all the Horizon functions.
configuration.required_minimum_exchange_version string the required minimum version for the exchange.
configuration.architecture string the hardware architecture of the node as returned from the Go language API runtime.GOARCH.
connectivity json whether or not the node has network connectivity with some remote sites.


curl -s http://localhost:8046/status | jq '.'
  "configuration": {
    "exchange_api": "",
    "exchange_version": "1.55.0",
    "required_minimum_exchange_version": "1.49.0",
    "preferred_exchange_version": "1.55.0",
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "horizon_version": "2.17.2"
  "liveHealth": {
    "lastDBHeartbeat": 1609137731

API: GET /status/workers

Get the current Horizon agent worker status and the status transition logs.





  • 200 – success


name type description
workers json the current status of each worker and its subworkers.
worker_status_log string array the history of the worker status changes.


curl -s http://localhost:8046/status/workers | jq
  "workers": {
    "AgBot": {
      "name": "AgBot",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {
        "AgBotGovernAgreements": "started",
        "AgBotGovernArchivedAgreements": "started",
        "AgBotGovernBlockchain": "started",
        "AgBotPolicyGenerator": "started",
        "AgBotPolicyWatcher": "started",
        "AgbotHeartBeat": "started"
    "BasicProtocolHandler": {
      "name": "BasicProtocolHandler",
      "status": "initialized",
      "subworker_status": {
        "129b5b8c-11da-45d4-98b4-fc8b191ae38a": "started",
        "1dcb639c-45ee-43bc-bd39-6104eac7a03d": "started",
        "3843f354-531e-44af-9f24-9d79737ca401": "started",
  "worker_status_log": [
    "2018-05-02 19:25:11 Worker AgBot: started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker BasicProtocolHandler: initialized.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker BasicProtocolHandler: subworker 3843f354-531e-44af-9f24-9d79737ca401 started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker BasicProtocolHandler: subworker 1dcb639c-45ee-43bc-bd39-6104eac7a03d started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker BasicProtocolHandler: subworker 129b5b8c-11da-45d4-98b4-fc8b191ae38a started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgbotHeartBeat added.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotGovernAgreements added.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotGovernArchivedAgreements added.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotPolicyWatcher added.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotPolicyGenerator added.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: initialized.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgbotHeartBeat started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotGovernAgreements started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotGovernArchivedAgreements started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotPolicyWatcher started.",
    "2018-05-02 19:25:13 Worker AgBot: subworker AgBotPolicyGenerator started."