FDO API documentation
This page describes the FIDO Device Onboard (FDO) REST API interfaces.
FDO Owner Services API
NOTE: These REST APIs use Digest authentication. api_user
and api_password
properties specify the credentials to be used while making the REST calls. The value for api_user
is present in service.yml
file and value for api_password
is present in service.env
Operation | Description | Path/Query Parameters | Content Type | Request Body | Response Body | Sample cURL call |
POST /api/v1/owner/redirect | Updates TO2 RVBlob in ONBOARDING_CONFIG table. | text/plain | RVTO2Addr in diagnostic form | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/redirect’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘[[“localhost”,””,8042,3]]’ | ||
GET /api/v1/to0/{guid} | initiate TO0 from Owner | GUID of the device to initiate TO0 | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET “http://localhost:8042/api/v1/to0/${device_guid}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/owner/svi | Uploads SVI instructions to SYSTEM_PACKAGE table. | text/plain | SVI Instruction | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/svi’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘[{“filedesc” : “setup.sh”,”resource” : “URL”}, {“exec” : [“bash”,”setup.sh”] }]’ | ||
GET /api/v1/owner/vouchers | Returns a list of all Ownership Voucher GUIDs. | line separated list of GUIDs | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET “http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/vouchers” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
GET /api/v1/owner/vouchers/ | Returns the Ownership Voucher for the specified GUID. | Path - id: Device GUID | Ownership Voucher | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET “http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/vouchers/${device_guid}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
POST /api/v1/owner/vouchers/ | Insert Ownership Voucher against the specified GUID in ONBOARDING_VOUCHER table. | text/plain | Content of Ownership Voucher in PEM Format | Guid of the device | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST “http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/vouchers” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘${voucher}’ | |
GET /api/v1/logs | Serves the log from the owner service | owner logs | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/logs’ | |||
DELETE /api/v1/logs | Deletes the log from the owner service | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/logs’ | ||||
GET /health | Returns the health status | Current version | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/health’ | |||
GET /api/v1/ondie | Serves the stored certs & crls files | Ondie certs & crl files | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/ondie’ | |||
POST /api/v1/ondie | To insert onDie certs and crls zip file to DB | text/plain | Path to ondie cert file | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}:${api_passwd} –location –request POST “http://${ip}:{port}/api/v1/ondie” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw “${cert-file}” | ||
GET /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Returns the certificate file based on filename | Query - filename | Certificate file in PKCS12 format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ | ||
GET /api/v1/certificate?alias={alias} | Returns the owner certificate of the given alias type | Query - alias | Certificate PEM format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate?alias=SECP256R1’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
GET /api/v1/certificate?uuid=uuid | Returns the owner alias type for the given voucher | Query - uuid | UUID’s attestation type | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate?uuid=cc60f0aa-56d0-492e-8c8d-9a1fe55cb60 –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
POST /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Adds the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | text/plain | PKCS12 Certificate file in Binary format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-binary ‘@< path to ssl.p12 >’ | |
DELETE /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Delete the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/certificate/validity?days=no_of_days | Updates certificate validity in CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | text/plain | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate/validity?days=10’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
GET /api/v1/certificate/validity | Collects certificate validity days from CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | Number of Days | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/certificate/validity’ | |||
GET /api/v1/owner/messagesize | Collects the max message size from ONBOARDING_CONFIG table | MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/messagesize’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/owner/messagesize | Updates the max message size in ONBOARDING_CONFIG table | text/plain | MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/messagesize’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘10000’ | ||
GET /api/v1/owner/svisize | Collects the owner svi size from ONBOARDING_CONFIG table | SVI_MESSAGE_SIZE | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/svisize’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/owner/svisize | Updates the owner svi size in ONBOARDING_CONFIG table | text/plain | SVI_MESSAGE_SIZE | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/svisize’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘10000’ | ||
GET /api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName | Returns the file based on filename from SYSTEM_RESOURCE table | Query - filename | file content | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
POST /api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName | Adds the file to DB based on filename from SYSTEM_RESOURCE table | Query - filename | text/plain | file in Binary format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-binary ‘@< path to file >’ | |
DELETE /api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName | Delete the file from DB based on filename from SYSTEM_RESOURCE table | Query - filename | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/resource?filename=fileName’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/resell/{guid} | Gets extended resell Ownership Voucher with the guid. | Path - guid of the device to resell | Owner Certificate | The Ownership voucher in PEM format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST “http://localhost:8039/api/v1/resell/${guid}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw “$owner_certificate” -o ${serial_no}_voucher.txt | |
GET /api/v1/owner/state/{guid} | Returns the TO status the associated GUID | GUID of the device | Returns TO2 completed status & TO0 expiry (timestamps) | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8042/api/v1/owner/state/{guid}’ |
Following is the list of REST response error codes and it’s possible causes :
Error Code | Possible Causes |
401 Unauthorized | When an invalid Authentication header is present with the REST Request. Make sure to use the correct REST credentials. |
404 Not Found | When an invalid REST request is sent to Owner. Make sure to use the correct REST API endpoint. |
405 Method Not Allowed | When an unsupported REST method is requested. Currently, Owner supports GET, POST and DELETE only. |
406 Not Acceptable | When an invalid filename is passed through the REST endpoints. |
500 Internal Server Error | Due to internal error, Owner unable to fetch/copy/delete the requested file. |
FDO PRI Rendezvous REST APIs
NOTE: These REST APIs use Digest authentication. api_user
and api_password
properties specify the credentials to be used while making the REST calls.
Operation | Description | Path/Query Parameters | Content Type | Request Body | Response Body | Sample cURL call |
GET /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Returns the certificate file based on filename | Query - filename | Certificate file in PKCS12 format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ | ||
POST /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Adds the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | text/plain | PKCS12 Certificate file in Binary format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –data-binary ‘@< path to ssl.p12 >’ | |
DELETE /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Delete the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
GET /api/v1/logs | Serves the log from the RV service | RV logs | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/logs’ | |||
DELETE /api/v1/logs | Deletes the log from the RV service | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/logs’ | ||||
POST /api/v1/certificate/validity?days=no_of_days | Updates certificate validity in CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | text/plain | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/certificate/validity?days=10’ | |||
GET /api/v1/certificate/validity | Collects certificate validity days from CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | Number of Days | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/certificate/validity’ | |||
GET /health | Returns the health status | Current version | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8040/health’ | |||
POST /api/v1/rv/allow | Adds public key to allowed list of Owners in RV | text/plain | certificate in pem format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/rv/allow` –data-raw “$owner_certificate” | ||
DELETE /api/v1/rv/allow | delete public key to allowed list of Owners in RV | text/plain | certificate in pem format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/rv/allow` –data-raw “$owner_certificate” | ||
POST /api/v1/rv/deny | Adds public key to denied list of Owners in RV | text/plain | certificate in pem format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8040/api/v1/rv/deny` –data-raw “$owner_certificate” |
Following is the list of REST response error codes and it’s description :
Error Code | Possible Causes |
401 Unauthorized | When an invalid Authentication header is present with the REST Request. Make sure to use the correct REST credentials. |
404 Not Found | When an invalid REST request is sent to RV. Make sure to use the correct REST API endpoint. |
405 Method Not Allowed | When an unsupported REST method is requested. Currently, RV supports GET, PUT and DELETE only. |
406 Not Acceptable | When an invalid filename is passed through the REST endpoints. |
500 Internal Server Error | Due to internal error, RV unable to fetch/copy/delete the requested file. |
FDO PRI Manufacturer REST APIs
NOTE: These REST APIs use Digest authentication. api_user
and api_password
properties specify the credentials to be used while making the REST calls. The value for api_user
is present in service.yml
file and value for api_password
is present in service.env
Operation | Description | Path/Query Parameters | Content Type | Request Body | Response Body | Sample cURL call |
POST /api/v1/mfg/vouchers/ | Gets extended Ownership Voucher with the serial number. | Path - Device Serial Number | Owner Certificate | Extended Voucher | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST “http://localhost:8039/api/v1/mfg/vouchers/${serial_no}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw “$owner_certificate” -o ${serial_no}_voucher.txt | |
GET /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Returns the certificate file based on filename | Query - filename | Keystore file in binary format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ | ||
POST /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Adds the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | text/plain | PKCS12 Certificate file in Binary format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-binary ‘@< path to ssl.p12 >’ | |
DELETE /api/v1/certificate?filename=fileName | Delete the certificate file to DB based on filename | Query - filename | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/certificate?filename=ssl.p12’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
POST /api/v1/rvinfo/ | Updates RV Info in RV_DATA table | text/plain | RV Info | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/rvinfo’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw ‘[[[5,”localhost”],[3,8040],[12,1],[2,””],[4,8041]]]’ | ||
GET /api/v1/deviceinfo/{seconds} | Serves the serial no. and GUID of the devices that completed DI in the last n seconds | Path - n seconds | JSON array of Serial No, GUID ,DI Timestamp and Attestion type. | curl -D - –digest -u apiUser: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8080/api/v1/deviceinfo/30’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
GET /api/v1/logs | Serves the log from the manufacturer service | Manufacturer logs | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/logs’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
DELETE /api/v1/logs | Deletes the log from the manufacturer service | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request DELETE ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/logs’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||||
POST /api/v1/certificate/validity?days=no_of_days | Updates certificate validity in CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | Query - days | text/plain | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/certificate/validity?days=10’ –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
GET /api/v1/certificate/validity | Collects certificate validity days from CERTIFICATE_VALIDITY table | Number of Days | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8039/api/v1/certificate/validity’ | |||
GET /health | Returns the health status | Current version | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET ‘http://localhost:8039/health’ |
Following is the list of REST response error codes and it’s possible causes :
Error Code | Possible Causes |
401 Unauthorized | When an invalid Authentication header is present with the REST Request. Make sure to use the correct REST credentials. |
404 Not Found | When an invalid REST request is sent to MFG. Make sure to use the correct REST API endpoint. |
405 Method Not Allowed | When an unsupported REST method is requested. Currently, MFG supports GET, POST and DELETE only. |
406 Not Acceptable | When an invalid filename is passed through the REST endpoints. |
500 Internal Server Error | Due to internal error, MFG unable to fetch/copy/delete the requested file. |
Operation | Description | Path/Query Parameters | Content Type | Request Body | Response Body | Sample cURL call |
POST /api/v1/resell/{guid} | Gets extended resell Ownership Voucher with the guid. | Path - guid of the device to resell | Owner Certificate | The Ownership voucher in PEM format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST “http://localhost:8070/api/v1/resell/${guid}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-raw “$owner_certificate” -o ${serial_no}_voucher.txt | |
GET /api/v1/owner/vouchers | Returns a list of all Ownership Voucher GUIDs. | line separated list of GUIDs | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET “http://localhost:8070/api/v1/owner/vouchers” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | |||
GET /api/v1/owner/vouchers/ | Returns the Ownership Voucher for the specified GUID. | Query - id: Device GUID | Ownership Voucher | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request GET “http://localhost:8070/api/v1/owner/vouchers/${device_guid}” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ | ||
POST /api/v1/owner/vouchers/ | Insert Ownership Voucher against the specified GUID in ONBOARDING_VOUCHER table. | text/plain | Content of Ownership Voucher in PEM Format | curl -D - –digest -u ${api_user}: –location –request POST “http://localhost:8070/api/v1/owner/vouchers” –header ‘Content-Type: text/plain’ –data-binary ‘${voucher}’ |
Following is the list of REST response error codes and it’s possible causes :
Error Code | Possible Causes |
401 Unauthorized | When an invalid Authentication header is present with the REST Request. Make sure to use the correct REST credentials. |
404 Not Found | When an invalid REST request is sent to Reseller. Make sure to use the correct REST API endpoint. |
405 Method Not Allowed | When an unsupported REST method is requested. Currently, Reseller supports GET, POST and DELETE only. |
406 Not Acceptable | When an invalid filename is passed through the REST endpoints. |
500 Internal Server Error | Due to internal error, Reseller unable to fetch/copy/delete the requested file. |