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Open Horizon examples index

Hello World examplesDescription
web-helloworld-c Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in C
web-helloworld-cpp Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in C++
web-helloworld-go Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in Go
web-helloworld-java Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in Java
web-helloworld-python Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in Python
web-helloworld-ruby Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in Ruby
service-node-red-hello-world Hello World Open Horizon service container implemented in Node-RED
service-helloMMS-go Hello World Model Management service container implemented in Go
Object Detection or camera servicesDescription
service-yolo-cpu Yolo object detection using the CPU
service-yolo-cuda Yolo object detection using Nvidia CUDA
service-yolo-vino Yolo object detection using OpenVio Movidius VPU
service-node-red-object-detection Open Horizon service container demonstrating Node-RED Object Detection
service-restcam Open Horizon service container that provides a basic REST camera service
service-nvcsi-restcam Open Horizon service container which provides a restcam for NVIDIA Jetson MIPI CSI cameras
Open Horizon ServicesDescription
service-fledge Containerized version of the fledge open-source project designed to be deployed and managed by Open Horizon
service-homeassistantOpen Horizon configuration to deploy a vanilla instance of the open-source Home Assistant software
service-minecraft Service definition and policy files to deploy and lightly customize a Minecraft server on an edge node
service-mqtt multi-platform Open Horizon service-based message queue broker. It provides an MQTT broker and publisher for inter-container communication
service-sms-me Open Horizon service that sends the LAN IP address via SMS
service-speak-ip Open Horizon service that speaks the LAN IP address
Lots more in the Open Horizon Examples repoDescription
evtstreams Horizon CPU to IBM Event Streams Service
sdr2evtstreams Horizon SDR to IBM Event Streams Service
Watson-Speech-to-Text Horizon Watson Speech to Text to IBM Event Streams Service for Raspberry Pi
see more Lots more in the Examples repo