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Data backup and recovery

OpenShift Container Platform backup and recovery

For more information about cluster-wide data backup and recovery, see:

If you have not downloaded the 4.2.0 bundle, use the following commands with your Entitled Registry Key :

docker login --username cp && \
docker rm -f ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle; \
docker create --name ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle bash && \
docker cp ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle:/ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle.tar.gz ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle.tar.gz && \
tar -zxvf ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle.tar.gz


  • yq (must be v3)

Open Horizon backup and recovery

Open Horizon (Open Horizon) backup procedures differ slightly depending on the type of databases you are using. These databases are referred as local or remote.

Database type Description
Local These databases are installed (by default) as OpenShift resources onto your OpenShift cluster
Remote These databases are provisioned external to the cluster. For example, these databases can be on-premises or a cloud provider SaaS offering.

The configuration setting that governs which databases are used is set during installation time in your custom resource as spec.ieam_local_databases, and is true by default.

To determine the active value for an installed Open Horizon instance, run:

oc get eamhub ibm-edge -o jsonpath="{.spec.ieam_local_databases}"

If this command returns a blank, it is using local databases.

For more information about configuring remote databases at installation time, see the Configuration page.

Note: Switching between local and remote databases is not supported.

The Open Horizon product does not automatically back up your data. You are responsible for backing up content at your chosen cadence and storing those backups in a separate secure location to ensure recoverability. Because secret backups contain encoded authentication content for database connections and management hub application authentication, store them in a secure location.

If you are using your own remote databases, ensure that those databases are backed up. This documentation does not describe how to back up the data of those remote databases.

Backup procedure

  1. Ensure you are connected to your cluster with either cloudctl login or oc login as a cluster administrator. Validate you have enough space to contain the backup by running the following commands to check database usage:

    oc exec -ti ibm-edge-agbotdb-keeper-0 -- sh -c 'du -sh /stolon-data' && \
    oc exec -ti ibm-edge-exchangedb-keeper-0 -- sh -c 'du -sh /stolon-data' && \
    oc exec -ti ibm-edge-cssdb-server-0 -c mongod -- sh -c 'du -sh /data/db'
  2. Back up your data and secrets with the following script (Run the script with -h for usage):

    ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle/tools/ -h

    Note: The backup script automatically detects the type of databases that are used during installation.

    • If you run the following example with no options, it generates a folder where the script ran. The folder follows this naming pattern ibm-edge-backup/$DATE/:


      If a local database installation was detected, your backup contains a customresource directory, a databaseresources directory, and two yaml files:

      $ ls -l ibm-edge-backup/20221126_215107/
      drwxr-xr-x  3 staff  staff     96 Oct 26 21:51 customresource
      drwxr-xr-x  5 staff  staff    160 Oct 26 21:51 databaseresources
      -rw-r--r--  1 staff  staff  13308 Oct 26 21:51 ibm-edge-auth-secret.yaml
      -rw-r--r--  1 staff  staff   3689 Oct 26 21:51 ibm-edge-config.yaml

      If a remote database installation was detected, you see the same directories that are listed previously, but three yaml files instead of two.

      $ ls -l ibm-edge-backup/20221126_215518/
      drwxr-xr-x  3 staff  staff     96 Oct 26 21:55 customresource
      drwxr-xr-x  3 staff  staff     96 Oct 26 21:55 databaseresources
      -rw-r--r--  1 staff  staff  10477 Oct 26 21:55 ibm-edge-auth-overrides.yaml
      -rw-r--r--  1 staff  staff  11433 Oct 26 21:55 ibm-edge-auth-secret.yaml
      -rw-r--r--  1 staff  staff   2499 Oct 26 21:55 ibm-edge-config.yaml

Restore Procedure

Note: When local databases are used or are restored to new or empty remote databases, Open Horizon’s autonomous design results in a known challenge when it restores backups to the management hub.

To restore backups, an identical management hub must be installed. If this new hub is installed without entering ieam_maintenance_mode during the initial installation, it is likely that all edge nodes, which were previously registered, unregister themselves. This requires them to be reregistered.

This situation occurs when the edge node recognizes that it no longer exists in the exchange because the database is now empty. Enable ieam_maintenance_mode to avoid this by starting the database resources only for the management hub. This allows restoration to complete before the remaining management hub resources (which use those databases) are started.


  • Restore backups to the same Open Horizon version where the backup was taken; for example, a 4.4.1 Open Horizon backup can only be restored to a 4.4.1 Open Horizon installation.

  • When your Custom Resource file was backed up, it was automatically modified to enter ieam_maintenance_mode immediately upon reapplication to the cluster.

  • The restore scripts examine the [path/to/backup]/customresource/eamhub-cr.yaml file to determine what type of database was used previously.

  1. As a cluster administrator, ensure that you are connected to your cluster with cloudctl login or oc login and that a valid backup was created. On the cluster where the backup was made, run the following command to delete the eamhub custom resource (this assumes the default name of ibm-edge was used for the custom resource):

    oc delete eamhub ibm-edge
  2. Delete the persistent volume claims provisioned by management hub components. Ensure only claims that include ibm-edge in their names are deleted because this step removes data (assuming the default name of ibm-edge for the custom resource). Modify the following loop as needed:

    for CLAIM in $(oc get pvc | grep -E 'agbot|exchange|css|sdo|vault' | awk '{print $1}')
       oc delete pvc $CLAIM
  3. Delete any remaining config maps created by the eamhub operator. Modify the following loop as needed:

    for CONFIGMAP in $(oc get cm | grep -E 'stolon-cluster' | awk '{print $1}')
       oc delete cm $CONFIGMAP
  4. Verify that ieam_maintenance_mode is correct:

    yq r ibm-edge-backup/202211266_215738/customresource/eamhub-cr.yaml 'items[0].spec.ieam_maintenance_mode'
  5. Run the script with option -f defined to point at your backup:

    ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle/tools/ -f ibm-edge-backup/20201026_215738/

    Wait until all the database, SDO, and vault pods are running before proceeding. It is possible that vault may continually restart, the vault bootstrap may reach an Error state, and/or SDO will likely be in a 0/1 Running state and may reach a CrashLoopBackOff state. These are expected, and it is ok to proceed with those pods in those states.

  6. Scale down the eamhub operator deployment to pause the operator and end the current control loop:

     oc scale deploy ibm-eamhub-controller-manager --replicas=0
  7. Run the script with option -f defined to point at your backup:

    ibm-eam-4.2.0-bundle/tools/ -f ibm-edge-backup/20221126_215738/
  8. After the script completes and your data has been restored, scale the operator back up to restart the control loop:

    oc scale deploy ibm-eamhub-controller-manager --replicas=1